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e | F 2024/08/17(Sat) 08:52 |
e | F Lazernoe_lyPi |
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Dqz tu~! Mu~ xr Yup{r _yz Irp~ry, tu}p|s }~s|u~y} } pq r q|py uyu{z }utyy~. Ruzp ru ~p rpy xp y tu| |ux~z y~}pyuz tp|u~yy py||} } |pxup. M u| } rp} ~, {p{ quxp~ y u{yr~ yxqpry py||} y {p{yu uy}urp y}uu |pxu~u tp|u~yu.
Kp{yu xr |pxu~} tp|u~yy py||}?
Ppyu~, utyu ut |pxu~s tp|u~y py||} t{p Yup{rp _y Irp~ryp, q~ }up uu u{yr~ y }y~y}p|~u q~u u{. Hpwyr|u~yu yty q, y y{ uytyrp ~ywpu. M~syu }up, utp p{yu{y quxq|ux~u~~p y ux|p p~r xp}u~ px |u xpwyr|u~y.
What are the reviews of laser removal of papillomas?
Patients who have undergone the procedure of laser removal of papillomas with Dr. Yuri Ivanovich Shestakov usually note its effectiveness and minimal side effects. Healing occurs quickly, and the risk of recurrence is reduced. Many note that the procedure is almost painless and the results are noticeable immediately after healing.